Read part I of the series The story of Suprita and part II The War of the Worlds. On February 11, 2014, K Devraj was attacked by a mob at Kallare village in Alur follow site taluka. When I met him at his office the day after, Devraj had a big bandage wrapped around his head, and the left side of his face was swollen from the beating. He was miserable, and he had good reason to be. As Range Forest Officer for Alur, he was the face of authority on the frontlines of the man-elephant conflict in Hassan. The assault he had endured at the hands of the locals was one more painful reminder that the situation had escalated far beyond his ability to cope.
see url Early in the morning of the previous day Krishnegowda, a farmer in Kallare village, was heading towards his farm when a tusker charged him. Krishnegowda was trampled to death. When Devraj visited the scene as part of his official duties, enraged locals turned on him and on other visiting officials. The mob violence was symptomatic of a public fury that had increased with each such attack, and now had reached a boiling point. The tolerance with which the locals initially regarded the elephants had worn thin; official promises to solve the problem only served to add fuel to the local ire. The villagers saw in each attack, each destroyed crop, each death, a reinforcement of their belief that authority cared only for the elephants, but not for the humans involved in the conflict.
Buy Cheap Tramadol Cod "They demand that we come to the spot to see for ourselves – but when we do, we get beaten up" “Look at the missed calls,” Devraj said, pushing his cell phone across the table towards me. “Each day, I get 30 to 40 calls from people reporting elephant sightings, or complaining that their crops have been raided. They demand that we come to the spot to see for ourselves – but when we do, we get beaten up…”
get link Devraj is a gentle, soft-spoken man, expert in the field of ‘social forestry’ – the growing of trees in large numbers to yield good timber years later. He had been posted to Hassan because the area does not contain designated wildlife parks, and hence it was deemed that the job did not require competence in wildlife or people management.
go to site With an ill-equipped staff of less than a dozen, Devraj spent most of his time responding to calls, chasing away elephants that had wandered onto farms and even, at times, holding back vengeful crowds hell bent on taking on the marauding elephants. The work was fraught with risk, but Devraj’s experience had made him far more wary of the locals than of the elephants. Every time someone died or crops were damaged, furious crowds gathered at the scene and often, his arrival was the signal for the mob to vent its fury on him. He had endured several such beatings; on one occasion his injuries had proved almost fatal.
Best Place Order Tramadol Online ”We are just not equipped to handle this,” Devraj said to me that day. watch Some six years earlier, on November 6, 2008, four elephants had been found dead beside a canal in Kappsoge village, close to Nanjangud town. More carcasses were subsequently discovered in the region.
source Post-mortem examinations led to a verdict of death by cyanide poisoning. The inference was that farmers had intentionally poisoned the elephants, and used tractors to push their bodies into the canal.
source url The news attracted reporters from major media outlets. A day later, the senior council of judges of the Karnataka High Court, on the basis of a news report in The Hindu, filed a suo moto petition. Matters moved at somnolent pace until 2011, when Vikramjit Sen took over as Chief Justice of Karnataka. The judge, who cared deeply for elephants, took proactive note of the case and, at his instigation, a committee was formed to investigate elephant deaths in the state.
go here In the intervening years since the discovery of elephant carcasses in Kappsoge, the conflict had intensified. Farmers, incensed alike by elephant raids and official apathy, fought back with poison, guns, and illegal electrified fences. In southern Karnataka alone, 30 elephants were killed that year.
Order Tramadol Online Canada The committee submitted a report that was not made public. Chief Justice Sen was dissatisfied. He argued that the killing of elephants could not be viewed in isolation, but should be examined against the larger context.
click With Sen in the chair, a high level bench of the Karnataka high court began probing various environmental decisions taken by the state, such as the digging of trenches, the proliferation of windmills, systematic encroachment into protected land, fragmentation of habitats, mining, the methodology of fixing and paying compensation, the degradation of reserved forests, etc.
follow url Since these hearings were on the basis of a Order Tramadol Cash On Delivery suo moto petition, the court was itself the petitioner and the state government the respondent. Concerned citizens, interest groups and several advocates attached themselves to the case as co-petitioners. The case took on a life of its own, expanding its brief from the Kappsoge tragedy to the wider question of how to save elephants from getting killed across the state and, crucially, how to resolve the escalating conflict situation.
source url It was not the first attempt at finding a solution in Hassan. In 2006, a committee had been set up under the leadership of wildlife scientist Ajay Desai and Appayya, a former Chief Conservation Officer of Karnataka. The committee estimated a population of 25 elephants, and recommended that they be captured and removed from the region. In 2011, the state Forest Department had on the basis of this report sought permission from the Ministry of Environment and Forests to capture the elephants of Hassan. The MoEF gave its consent. A lawyer from Mysore, who had empaneled himself in the case, however intervened to argue that the real encroachers were the people, not the elephants. While hearing the objection, the court stayed the MoEF’s order for capture and demanded that the state government provide adequate reasoning for its decision.
The court asked that the MoEF appear in court. The director of Project Elephant, a body under the MoEF that was mandated to look into all elephant-related issues including conflict, failed to appear in person. Instead, he sent a note to the effect that a new committee had been constituted to examine the issues.
The state government was already facing intense heat from the activist court. Decisions were being taken elsewhere, but it was the government that had to appear before the court and face its relentless questioning.
Exasperated, the state government overturned the MoEF committee and set up one of its own, called the Karnataka Elephant Task Force. It included the members of the MoEF committee, but also experts in the field and various petitioners in the case. The committee was briefed to examine all elephant-related issues in the state, with special emphasis on the Hassan conflict.
*** In September 2012, the Karnataka Elephant Task Force submitted a comprehensive report that recognized the futility of a one size fits all solution. Instead, it proposed a zone-based approach to the problem and sought to divide the state into three zones, each with a different set of objectives and plan of action:
The Elephant Management Zones
The management and conservation of Elephants will depend on the zone they fall under. As per the report, they are categorised as: The Conservation Zone:
This would include all landscapes with large populations of wild elephants. In such areas, the emphasis would be on maintaining habitat integrity by protecting existing elephant corridors. To mitigate conflict, elephant populations would be confined within these natural ranges using non-lethal electrified fences, elephant-proof trenches and other barriers. The contiguous Bandipur-Nagarahole region is the most obvious, but not the only, example of such a zone. The Co-existence Zone:
This category would comprise intermediate regions that lie between the larger habitats and small, fragmented forest patches. Here the emphasis would be on co-existence through carefully calibrated sharing of space between elephants and humans. While the location of such zones were to be determined through precise field surveys, the forests north of the River Cauvery up to the Gangavara Reserve Forest in Kodagu district, and the forests of western Sakaleshpur taluk in Hassan district, are logical examples of such zoning. The future management of these zones and their reclassification, if needed, would depend on the measured efficacy of the co-existence model.
click here The Removal Zone:
This category would incorporate those regions where human density was high and elephant-human conflict had grown to unacceptable levels. Such regions would be characterized by small, patchy forests incapable of sustaining sizeable elephant populations – the kind of environment that would lead elephants to wander into human zones. The Alur-Arkalgud Best Tramadol Online talukas and the Savandurga region of Tumkur district are good exemplars. The committee recommended that before removing elephants from such areas, barricades had to be erected to ensure that there would be no subsequent influx of new elephant herds.
The zonal classification makes prima facie sense, but ignores one crucial fact: Elephants are wide-ranging in nature, and do not confine themselves within neat man-made lines. For instance, elephants in the conservation zone could – in all likelihood, would – wander into the contiguous co-existence zone; this in turn would increase elephant density in the latter and set up conflict situations as the delicate balance was tilted.
Dr M D Madhusudhan, a senior scientist attached to the Nature Conservation Foundation and a core member of the task force, explained the nuances of the report. This is the gist of his argument:
The elephant is covered by the Wildlife Protection Act, which means that even if it were to intrude into your backyard, you cannot shoot it down.
We seek to conserve our elephant population by protecting its natural habitat. This works in the case of animals such as the tiger, which most often tends to remain inside protected forests. However, elephants are by nature far-ranging, and will tend to roam outside designated territories.
This is the crux of the problem: How do you protect an animal that has a legal shield, but wanders into areas meant for human habitation? For instance, it is easy to understand that the elephants in Bandipur cannot be tampered with, but it cannot as easily be argued a wild elephant that wanders into Mysore should be allowed to roam free, and must not be captured or chased.
This is the question the people of Hassan ask: If you say that an elephant cannot be in Mysore, why do you similarly not say that an elephant cannot be on my property in Hassan? The question is particularly relevant because the Hassan region has not been a typical forest with elephants (in living memory of people), and therefore the people living there have not encroached on the elephant’s natural habitat.
The situation in Hassan is weird. On a few occasions in the past, elephants had been captured and removed, and yet they keep coming back. In our report it has been demarcated as a removal zone; my hope is that one day in the future, it could develop into a co-existence zone.
The committee wanted to have a larger vision, rather than react in knee-jerk fashion to conflict headlines. Given that the habitats of people and elephants occasionally overlap, we wanted to create areas where elephants would take priority, other areas where human beings would be given top priority, and still other regions – places in between the forests and the towns, for instance – where co-existence could be possible.
In our report we used the term Elephant Removal Zone, but if I could rewrite it today I would call it a Human Priority Zone.
The court studied the report submitted by the Karnataka Elephant Task Force.
On January 20, 2014, three weeks before I met him for the first time, Devraj was in his office grappling with the usual influx of elephant sightings and damage reports when he got a call from his senior officer.
“We have got all necessary clearances to remove your elephants,” the official told Devraj. “We are sending you ten captive elephants; as soon as they get there, you can start the capture operation.”
Rx Tramadol Online This is the third part of my narrative series on the man-elephant conflict in Hassan. The previous installments: Tramadol Online Rx The Story of Suprita Real Tramadol Online : In which a carefree young girl crosses paths with an enraged elephant
Tramadol Pills Online enter site The War of the Worlds: watch In which man and elephant confront each other in the forests and farms of Karnataka, attitudes harden, and battle-lines are drawn
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It’s a shame that we had CMs and a PM from Hassan and could not use the political clout/will to make it a co-existance zone making it safe for both Humans and Elephants…
A well written piece. Do i understand from your article that you are suggesting that the elephant must go elsewhere?
For the casual urban reader and environmentalist, the first thought is that the elephant has its rights as we humans do. The people in the affected zones have other ideas though. It is for the informed people in the administration that to take a decision that helps both, whatever it be. Leaving it unsolved will only make it worse for the elephant. Frankly, we have an anthropocentric approach to everything. That must go and i’m not talking of the elephant alone here.
Keep writing.
Dear Capt Kanitkar,
I am not suggesting anything at all. I am merely reporting what played out in Hassan and it was the task force that recommended
this action.
Very nicely written…..I am a fan.
Read all the three parts. beautifully narrated. Though I feel sad for the human lives lost, I also think the elephants have as much right over the land and its resources as we humans do. Probably it’s because of various insensitive decisions we take in the name of development and system, that we are facing issues like these. I wonder how our ancestors lived in absolute harmony with nature, forests and wildlife. Habitat overlapping is due to either displacement of wildlife from their original places or human intrusion into present or former reserve forest areas. Finding an amicable solution for human-animal conflict is impossible without a prudent well-thought-out approach. System’s shortsighted measures will only make things worse. I really hope the elephants and humans of Hassan get to find a way out of this.
It was highly enlightening to read your stories, Kalyan. Keep writing!
Kalyan, “I am merely reporting what played out at Hassan” is what you said. It was not just that, the series had depth, understanding of issues, and most importantly neutrality in the real sense of giving the reader information to make his own decision about the issue. I am certain that you would personally have your own views or feelings about this, but they were held in check and hence did cloud the readers decision making. This rarely happens in journalism today – great reporting. Readers and others (me included) are certainly entitled to their views. I feel that unless humanity recognizes that we are collectively responsible for all that happens in every tiny corner of the globe, we cannot solve any problem. Can’t have your cake and eat it too! – Thanks for the professional reporting while still showing all around sensitivity (hope others follow!).
“…but they were held in check and hence did cloud the readers decision making.” should read “but they were held in check and hence did NOT cloud the readers decision making.” a small typo but a different meaning – sorry about that.
Dear Kalyan,
It is very easy to be emotional, berate and take sides. And more so for a cozy city dweller to freely air ones views without understanding the complexities involved. Any sensible understanding will empathize with the Elephants, the affected People and the Forest Dept Personnel. Ramegowda’s words .. “It is us that feed the elephants, not you animal lovers! .. ” are so true. It needs an all round understanding of the problem .. and support for solutions? in that context.
I have read all three parts and also Inside an Elephant Capture (yes it is tough on me). I agree with Sri Ajay Desai, it takes special character and commitment to report with the sensitivity you do and not take sides. You are amazing.
What can I say that hasn’t already been said?! Keep up the good work. It’s heartening to see that inspite of a general climate of unhindered avarice, selfishness and meanness, there are people who still believe and aren’t disillusioned. This has no easy solutions. Only tough ones, provided we are fearless enough to take those and have a vision for the long term. Right now, both man and elephant will continue to lose lives.
Dear Mr Varma,
Your series is like binge-reading, which is becoming increasingly difficult for someone like me. I read all the three parts in one sitting. Like I’ve mentioned earlier, you write beautifully.
While you too said that you’re reporting what played out in Hassan, do you see any solution in the near future? Is that what your series aims for?
Warm regards,
I love it! elephants are my daheutgr favorite animal so they have a special place in my heart. And that one has so much personality. 🙂 With that much green grass, he’s right at home I’m sure. Have a great evening. Xoxo
Such beautiful writing, not simply reporting but skillful story telling combined with the lovely illustrations especially for the painful story of the loss of a child. Truly moved, for all the people in this story, the elephants and the bleak future of this beautiful world we call our home. I’m not a pessimist but it doesn’t look rosy.
And indeed I find myself struggling with what could possibly be the answer or solution to this dilemma, am no closer to it then any of us I imagine.
Certainly this series is the first step in the right direction, hope more people get involved with this issue and collectively get closer to resolving what are clearly complex issues.
[…] has doubled since 2014 after 22 wild elephants were captured/translocated from Hassan based on the recommendations of scientists and members of the then Karnataka Elephant Task Force. Unfortunately, this also […]