Nature Without Borders

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go to site We share a complex relationship with elephants. We love them, we treat them with the tolerant fondness reserved for family, we worship them as manifestations of our most universal god. When these gods-made-flesh raid our fields, destroy our homes and take our lives, we react with bewilderment. We are reluctant to avenge ourselves, but we seem to have no choice. This duality manifests over a wide geography, from the Western Ghats to northeastern India – a vast battleground in which the clashing interests of people and elephants and officials and NGOs collide. In this series, I will report from this conflict zone where wins and losses are measured in lives lost and taken
here LongformJune 2, 2015
1: The Story of Suprita In one instant of random chaos, a carefree schoolgirl and an enraged elephant crossed paths. This is their story
June 5, 2015
2: War of the Worlds

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3: The Elephants Must Go

get link As conflict escalates in Hassan and the toll of humans and elephants mounts, an activist court and a dedicated task force come together to find a solution
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4: Inside an Elephant Capture When we read of man-elephant conflict , we agree that “capture” is the most logical solution. But do we know what capturing a wild elephant actually means, what it looks like, what it feels like?

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5: Empathy in a Time of War

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6: The No-Win War In conflict, they say, there are no winners or losers; there are only survivors. The truth of that statement is brought home vividly as the captured elephants of Alur are broken, and tamed

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Neither here nor there

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